ISSN : 2488-8648

International Journal of Basic Science and Technology

A publication of the Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State

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Cybersecurity A Tool to Safeguard Digital Economy in a Developing Nation
Author:Etuk, E. A., Etim,E.O. and Ugwoke, F.N.

Key words: Cybersecurity, Safeguard, Digital Economy, Developing Nation ,
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Characterization of Oil Extracted from Agricultural Wastes: Sweet Orange Seeds (Citrus sinesis) from Ogbia in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.
Author: Hamilton-Amachree,A. and Osioma,E.

Key words: Oorange seeds, Soxhlet extraction, Orange seed oil, Physicochemical properties ,
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Assessment of Biological Decomposition of Organic Pollutants with References to Degradation of Petroleum products by Endophytes of Aquatic Plants
Author:Pondei,J.O. and Aladese,M.A.

Key words: Endophytes, petroleum, phytoremediation, aquatic plants, wetlands
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Phytochemical and proximate composition of petroleum ether, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of leaf, seed, stem and bark of Azadirachta indica
Author:Salau, R. B and Gbajabiamila, A. T

Key words: Azadirchta indica, Solvent Extracts, Phytochemicals, Proximate, Secondary metabolites
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Seasonal Variation in the Nodulation and Yield Parameters of Cowpea, (Vigna Unguiculata l. walp)
Author:Ukpene, A.O. and Pass,C.C.

Key words: Biological yield, Cowpea, Economic yield, Nodulation, Rhizobium
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 42 - 47

Schiff bases of Salicyl diene 2 aminopyridine: Synthesis, Uv Vis study and Antibacterial Activity
Author:Dueke-Eze, C. U., Fasina, T. M.

Key words: 2-aminopyridine, salicylaldehyde, In-vitro, Antibacterial activity,
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Ectoparasites Infestation on Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) Examined in Swali Abattoir in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Author:Ezenwaka, C.O and Ekine, E.G.

Key words: Goats, Abattoir Prevalence, Bayelsa Ectoparasites,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 56 - 61

Evaluation of growth indices of Telfairia occidentalis Hook and physiological properties of soil containing crude oil and Mucuna pruriens manure treatment HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 31-35

Statistical Analysis of the impact of Tax Revenue on the Economic Growth of Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 110 - 115

A Decade Long pH Monitoring of Commonly Consumed Malt Drinks Sold in Nigerian Markets: The Bayelsa Experience
Author:Isaac U. Isaac and Iheoma M. Adekunle

Key words: Non-alcoholic drink, Malt, pH value, Acidity, Malt-water mix
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 231 - 237

In Vitro Morphogenetic Responses of Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii (Stapf) Diels Seed Explant
Author:Isikhuemen O. Y., Nwaoguala C. N. C., Odewale J.

Key words: Auxin, Callogenesis, Cytokinin, Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii , Rhizogenesis
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Physiological parameters of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in Diesel Oil Polluted Soil and Amelioration Treatment
Author:Etukudo Mbosowo M.,Roberts Eneni M.I.,Okereke Ifeo

Key words: Amelioration, Diesel Oil, Phaseolus vulgaris, physiological, Polluted soil
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Urinary candidal and bacterial infections among asymptomatic students of Niger Delta University living in Amassoma, Bayelsa State.
Author:Afagha Azibayam,Okungbowa Michael Awo,Okungbowa Fr

Key words: Infection, Nigeria, Students, Urine,
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Morphological alterations due to Spent Carbide Waste Pollution of Sphenostylis stenocarpa and Vigna unguiculata growth and development. HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 23-26

Blood Coagulation profile of pregnant women attending Ante Natal Clinic at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital
Author:Okungbowa Michael A.,Nguepi P. J., and 2Onyeka O.

Key words: Benin city, Blood, Coagulation parameters, Pregnancy, Trimester
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In Vitro Morphogenetic Response of Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaf Petiole Explant to Cytokinin and Auxin Concentrations
Author:Shittu H. O., Igiehon E.

Key words: callus, growth regulators, in vitro, leaf petiole, Moringa oleifera
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Combinations of selected diet derived agents show enhanced growth inhibition of LNCaP cell lines
Author:Ibeawuchi-Onuoha C.

Key words: curcumin, DIM, EGCG, LNCaP chemoprevention,
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Free Oxide Status and Distribution in Soils of some Economic Palms in selected areas of Delta State, Nigeria
Author:Orhue E. R., Oneju A. A., Osayande P. E.,Awanlemhe

Key words: economic palms, Delta state, free oxides, oil palm, Raphia palms
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 39-45

Rhizosphere and Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria of Wetland Plants in Oil Polluted Areas of the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 54 - 62

Pollution Status of Solid Waste Disposal Site in Owerri municipal, Nigeria
Author:Emeka, Chima Ogoko and Kelle, Henrietta Ijeoma

Key words: Soil Contamination, Pollution Index, Sulphate, Phosphate, Nitrate.
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Efficient Portfolio Management for a Commercial Bank under CEV Model
Author:Edikan, E.A. and Udeme, O. I

Key words: Efficient portfolio management, Commercial bank, Power transformation,,
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Controlling the Design Dynamics of Oil and Gas Pipelines for Effective Fluid Flow Using Domain Specific Modelling
Author: Japheth, B. R.; Osaisai, E. F. ;Orukari, M.

Key words: Potential design, salient Characteristics, pipeline Systems, conceptual linkages, Pipe a
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 169 - 175

Steady State Modeling of Unified Power Flow Controller for Voltage Profile and Power Loss Improvement in an Electricity Grid

Key words: ,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 135 -145

Investigation of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Pearl Field, Niger Delta Offshore: Using 3D Seismic and Well Log Interpretation
Author:Alade, M., A., Onyebueke, E.O., Adejumo, P.P

Key words: Structural interpretation, Seismic, Well logs, Faults, hydrocarbon accumulation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 189 - 203

Bacterial Profile of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and High Prevalence of TetA Resistant Genes among Students in a Tertiary Institution in Nigeria. HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 220 - 231

Utilizing Cowpea Genetic Resources for Sustainable Food Security

Key words: Sustainable Agriculture, Genetic Resources, Cowpea Plants, Food Security,
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Petrographic Analysis and Depositional Environment Interpretation of Sediments from Masarati Field, Greater Ughelli, Niger Delta
Author:Okujagu, D.C.; Wobo, M.A.

Key words: Granulometry, Sediment analysis, Niger Delta, ,
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Study of the Optical Properties of Magnesium Oxide Thin Films Using the Electro Deposition Technique
Author:Morka, J.C.; Nwachuku, D.N.; Okoye, O.V.

Key words: Optical, Electrodeposition, Magnesium Oxide, Absorbance, Thin Films
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Proximate Analysis and Elemental Composition of Seasoned and Unseasoned Food Products from Bwari Area Council Abuja, Federal Capital Territory: A Study Using AOAC and ICP AES Methods HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 303 - 314

Spatial Distribution and Geotechnical Characterization of Marine Deposits in the Warri Area of Delta State
Author:Molua, C.O.; Ighrakpata, F.C.

Key words: Geotechnical characteristics, Marine deposits, Spatial distribution,,
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Analysis and Simulation of the Grid tied Inverter and its Control in the Synchronous Reference Frame
Author:1Olarinoye, G. A.; Omeiza, I. O. A.

Key words: Synchronous reference frame Grid, Phase-locked loop Grid-tied inverter Active power ,,,
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Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Analysis of Leaves and Bulb of Crinum jagus HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 283 - 291

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activities of Azo Ligand: 7 [(E) (2,3 Dihydroxy 1,5 Dimethyl 3 oxo 2 Phenyl IH Pyrazol 4 yl)Diazenyl 1H Indole 2,3 dione (L) and its Co(II) and Fe(III) Com
Author: Agbo, N.J.

Key words: Aminoantipyrine, Isatin, Antimicrobial, Azo Ligand,
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Implementation of Flipped Classroom as A Supportive and Alternative Approach to Traditional Learning System
Author:Evwiekpaefe, A.E., Hussein, M.O.

Key words: A mini-Learning Management System, Unified Modelling System, Flipped classroom,,
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Exploring the Impact of Building Roofs on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 238 - 246

Assessment of Bread Safety of Some Bread sold in Asaba and Warri of Delta State
Author:Momah, M.; Adu, M.E.

Key words: Bread, Cancer, Potassium bromates, Renal failure. NAFDAC,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 247 - 252

A Decade Long pH Monitoring of Commonly Consumed Malt Drinks Sold in Nigerian Markets: The Bayelsa Experience
Author:Isaac U. Isaac and Iheoma M. Adekunle

Key words: Non-alcoholic drink, Malt, pH value, Acidity, Malt-water mix
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 231 - 237

Quantification and risk assessment of trace metals in soils from selected solid waste dumpsites in Delta State, Nigeria. HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 211 -228

A Comprehensive Review on Recent Advances in CRISPR/Cas9 Technology for Precision Gene Editing in Plants HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 192 - 210

Examination of System Abnormalities on 11kv Etche Distribution to Ensure Higher Quality Power
Author:Adebayo, A.. D., Jonathan, A.E

Key words: Power distribution, System abnormalities, Power quality, ,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 240 -245

The Cytotoxic and Endocrine Disrupting Potential of Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfates in Oreochromis niloticus Adrenocortical Steroidogenic Cells Exposed In Vitro HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 232 -239

Amelioration of Dyslipidaemia and Antioxidant Parameters in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats Treated with a Hydrazone Derived from 4 Aminoantipyrine and Butanedione, and its Ni(II) Complex.
Author:Agbo, N.J.; Ukoha, P.O.

Key words: Alloxan, 4-aminoantipyrine, Butanedione, Diabetes, Dyslipidaemia
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Bacterial Profile of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and High Prevalence of TetA Resistant Genes among Students in a Tertiary Institution in Nigeria. HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 220 - 231

Dufour and Soret Effects on the Onset of Thermosolutal Instability in a Rotating Porous Layer
Author:Amadi, U.C.

Key words: Dufour, Soret, Thermosolutal, Porous layer,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 159 170

Effect of climate change on water on urban dwellers in Warri metropolis
Author:Gbodo, E.A and Onuoha, T

Key words: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, water, Acenanphthene fluorine,,
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Numerical Computation of Effective Dielectric Constant on the Skin
Author:Adebayo, A.D.; Ifeagwu, E. N.

Key words: ,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 146 - 158

Ethanol Production from Screened Kitchen Food Wastes
Author:Ovie, B.E.

Key words: Kitchen wastes, Ethanol Carbohydrate, Hydrolysis,,
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Malaria and Pregnancy: Understanding The Concepts. HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 125 - 130

Physicochemical and Chronological Profile of Stream Water Sample from Idim Afaha Ikot Ebak in Essien Udim Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State
Author:Ukpe, R.A.; Udofia, P.G.

Key words: Physicochemical Profile, Chronological Profile, Stream Water, Clay Pod,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 131 - 136

Antibacterial Efficacy of Coconut Oil Against Specific Isolates HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 119 -124

Hydrochemical Evaluation of Ground Water Quality in the Vicinity of Dumpsites HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 137 - 142

Antibiotics Susceptibility Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife Oxidation Pond HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 81 - 90

Site Geophysical and Geotechnical Evaluation of the Subsurface Formation Around a Hydropower Plant Station Ofurekpe, Nigeria
Author:Adebiyi, A.D., Bamidele, O.E.

Key words: Hydropower plant, Engineering, Geophysical, Geotechnical,
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Ectoparasites Infestation on Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) Examined in Swali Abattoir in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Author:Ezenwaka, C.O and Ekine, E.G.

Key words: Goats, Abattoir Prevalence, Bayelsa Ectoparasites,,
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Effects of Organochlorine pesticide residues in Some Beans and Tomatoes Sold at Amai Market
Author:Gbodo. E.A and Onuoha , T

Key words: Organochlorine, Aldrin, Dichlorodiphenylt Richloroethane Amai,,
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Analysis of Quality of Service of MTN and GLO in some Selected Areas in Umuahia
Author:Nnochiri, I.U. ; Iroegbu, C.

Key words: Indicators, Channels, Networks communication, ,
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Predictable Mobile Number Portability for Mobile Network Providers
Author:VNnochiri, I.U.; Iroegbu, C

Key words: Portability, Fuzzy logic, Call Quality Factor, Tariff plans,
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On Some Algebraic Properties of the Root Set of Multisets and Soft Multisets
Author:Onoyima N. E, Isah, A. I, Tella, Y., Okolo, P.N

Key words: msets, soft msets, soft sub mset, root set of soft mset, relative null
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 24 - 32

Assessment of the microbial contaminant of water bottles used by primary school pupils in Amai, Ukwuani L.G.A, Delta State
Author:Onuoha, T.; Gbodo. E.A

Key words: Bacterial, Fungi, School children, Amai community,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 213 - 219

Statistical Analysis and Optimization Studies of Adsorption of Malachite Green Using Bean Husk HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 16 - 23

Discriminatory potentials of vitreous electrolytes and renal indices in the autopsy of deaths suspected of disguise by hanging in rabbits.
Author:Ikimi, C.G. Ezekwesili-Ofili, J.O. and Igwilo, I.

Key words: Autopsy, Disguise, Discriminate, Hanging, Coroner
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Potentials of selected vitreous biochemical parameters as biomarkers in postmortem determination and discrimination of deaths by hanging using animal models.
Author:Ikimi, C.G. Ezekwesili-Ofili, J.O. and Igwilo, I.O

Key words: Postmortem, Vitreous, Biomarker, Strangulation, Crime
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An Improved Model for Feature Selection on Type 2 Diabetes Risk Prediction in Nigeria
Author:Moko, A.,Onuodu, F.E

Key words: Risk prediction, Models, Feature selection, ,
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Expression of Cyp1a and p53 Induced by Water Soluble Fractions of Crude Oil in Juveniles of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822).
Author:Gbuvboro, A. E, Eriegha, O. J and Eyo, V. O

Key words: Oil pollution, Gene expression, fFsh, Cytochromes P4501A, p53
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Modelling Birth Rate in Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria: A Time Series Approach
Author:Eli, I.C., Barinaadaa, J.N.

Key words: Birth rate, ARIMA, Differencing, Estimation,
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Investigation of The Electronic and Optical properties of some Pnictides
Author:Omehe, N.

Key words: Pnictides, Bandgap, ,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 218 - 223

Investigation of the properties of Zinc Tin Arsenide (ZnSnAs2) and Zinc Tin Antimonide (ZnSnSb2): A density functional approach HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 313 -320

Investigation of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Pearl Field, Niger Delta Offshore: Using 3D Seismic and Well Log Interpretation
Author:Alade, M., A., Onyebueke, E.O., Adejumo, P.P

Key words: Structural interpretation, Seismic, Well logs, Faults, hydrocarbon accumulation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 189 - 203

Comparative Studies on Manual and Computational Techniques for Gel Electrophoresis Image Analysis
Author:Adebesin et al.,2023

Key words: RAPD, Image Analysis, Nigeria, Manual, Polymorphism
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Decoding the Genetic Basis of the Sinoatrial Node Automaticity: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Heart’s Natural Pacemakers
Author:Okwute et al.,2023

Key words: ,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 167 - 177

Overview of Biosafety and Biosecurity
Author:Ikpo, P.E.., Okun,O.

Key words: Biosafety, Biosecurity, Intentional Unintentional, Biological,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 162 - 166

Comparative Study of Some Numerical Methods for Transcendental Equations
Author:Udoh, N.A.

Key words: Numerical Methods, Convergence, Root, Iteration,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 154 -161

A Deep Learning Model for the Protection of Web Applications Using Behavioural Biometrics
Author:Eleje, B. C.; Ohia, O.

Key words: Web applications; Behavioural metrics; Deep learning;,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 145 - 153

The medical benefits of the phytochemical extract of mistletoe leaves from four plant species at Akpobome Mosogar, Delta State, Nigeria
Author:Omayuli, M. O., Omayuli,V.O. and Egberi, F.O.

Key words: Medicinal value, Mistletoe, Vitamins, Phytochemicals, Minerals
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 139 - 143

The Spermatotoxic Effects of Some Selected Metal Nanoparticles
Author:Oghenetega et al.,2023

Key words: Metal nanoparticles,;Spermatogenesis, Oxidative stress, ,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 124-138

Antibacterial Effect of Baobab Leaf and Stem Against Clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
Author:Musa et al.,2023

Key words: Baobab, Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus,,,
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Ethics: An Obligation for Engineering and Scientific Societies
Author:Nuga et al.,2023

Key words: Ethics, Society, Obligation, Engineering, Science
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Analysis of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems Devices for Voltage Stability and Power Flow Control: SVC and STATCOM as a Case Study
Author:Oluwaseun, I. A., Jelil, L.A

Key words: Raphson based load flow equations, Power loss, STATCOM, SVC, Voltage profile
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 71 - 83

Development of a 10kw Propeller Hydroturbine with a Test Rig for Performance Evaluation
Author:Oyelami A.T., Iliya D.D.

Key words: Hydropower, Turbine, Runner-Shaft, Generator, Test Rig
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 291 - 301

Requirements and Potentials of Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 284 - 290

Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Mimo Systems Via Deep Learning
Author:Raji A.A., Adejumobi I.A., Orimolade J.F.

Key words: Channel estimation, Deep learning, Multiple Input-Multiple Output ,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 276 -283

Evaluation of Traffic Congestion Index Based on Delay Parameters: Asero Camp Junction Route on Abeokuta Ibadan Road as a Case Study
Author:Popoola M.O., Abiola O.S.,Shittu J.O.

Key words: Road traffic congestion, Travel rate, Congestion index, Delay ratio, Urban traffic
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 266 - 275

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution and Ecological Risk Indices of An Urban Highway: A Case Study of Abeokuta Ibadan Road
Author:Adekunle, A.A., Nkeshita, F. C., Adewale, A.A.

Key words: Soils; Heavy metal, Ecological risk, Roadside soils ,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 258 - 265

Low Cost Automated Poultry Feeding System Using Atmega328 Microcontroller
Author:Oyelami, A.T. and Shoge, S.A.

Key words: Sensor, Resistance, Signal, Microcontroller, ATmega328
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 251 - 257

Design and Implementation of a Smart Stick With Video and Remote Tracking
Author:Owoeye, S.O, Ishola, A.A., Anyanwu, B.U., Odeyemi

Key words: Visually impaired, Microcontroller, Arduino, Ultrasonic sensor, IoT.
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 243 - 250

Development of a Demand Side Smart Energy Control Meter
Author:Olanipekun et al.,2022

Key words: Smart Meter, Wireless, Energy Control,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 233 - 242

Bus Pass System Development Using Radio Frequency Identification
Author:Olanipekun et al.,2022

Key words: Radio Frequency Identification, Microcontroller, ,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 224 - 232

Investigation of the Activating Effects of Calcium Carbide on Bamboo Stem Ash in Stabilization of Lateritic Soil
Author:Alayaki F.M., Gbadewole O.A., Adekunle A.A.

Key words: Calcium carbide, Activator, Stabilization, Lateritic soil , Bamboo stem ash
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 217 -223

Implementation of Fuzzy PID Controller for Weft Yarn Tension Control in Textile Industries
Author:Ishola A. A., Oyelami A. T., Orelaja O. A.

Key words: Fuzzy-PID controller, MATLAB-Simulink, Dynamic response Tension control Pirn winding,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 208 - 216

On the Use of Thin Wire Antenna for GSM and Broadcasting Applications
Author:Erinosho T. C., Adekola S.A. and Amusa K.A

Key words: Radiated power, UHF, GSM, Method of Moment, Thin wire
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 198 - 207

Development of SMS Initiated Start Stop and Changeover System for Choke Operated Gasoline Generators
Author:Ishola A.A., Owoeye S.O., Aninkan A.S.

Key words: Mechatronics, SMS Start-Stop, Embedded System, Automatic Changeover, Gasoline Generators
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 187 - 197

Development of Refractory Bricks from Ajebo Clay for Industrial Applications.
Author:Babalola, A. S., Oyelami A. T., Kuye, S. I.

Key words: Kaolin, Refractory, RHA, Development, Bricks
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 178 - 186

Polarization Corrosion Effects of Nanocellulose Reinforced Zinc Magnesium Oxide Coatings on A36 Steel in Acidic Media
Author:Anyanwu et al., 2022

Key words: Acid, Media, Nanocellulose, Corrosion, Coatings
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 168 - 177

Development of an Abrasive Cassava Peeler
Author:.Alayande B.N., Ola I.A., Aderinlewo A.A.

Key words: Cassava, Peeler, Abrasive, Development,Peels
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 157 - 167

Examining the Use of Interline Power Flow Controller for Congestion and Contingency Management on the Nigeria 330kv Transmission System
Author:Akinropo,C., Olarinoye G. A., Okorie P.

Key words: Congestion, Controller, Optimal placement, Power losses, Transmission
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 146 - 156

Steady State Modeling of Unified Power Flow Controller for Voltage Profile and Power Loss Improvement in an Electricity Grid

Key words: ,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 135 -145

Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Processed Tomato in Bayelsa State, Nigeria: Concentration, Dietary Intake and Exposure Assessment HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 101 -111

Assessment of Radionuclides Concentration and Health risks of Boreholes in a Typical Nigeria University
Author:Oyewole, K.A. Bolorunduro, K.A., Fadipe, O.O.

Key words: Boreholes, Concentration, Health risk, Radionuclides, Water
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 112 -120

Awareness, Knowledge and Perception of DNA Analysis among Residents of Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria
Author:Adejumo, B. I. G. and Mokwenye, N. V.

Key words: DNA analysis, Awareness, Knowledge, Perception, Nigeria
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Statistical Analysis of the Finitely Deformed Internally Pressurized Compressible Synthetic Rubber Like Material
Author:Egbuhuzor, U.P. and Eleje, C. B.

Key words: Spherical, Cylindrical, Mathematica, shooting, Collocation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 302 - 312

Finite Element Analysis of a 2 Dimensional Multi Storey Multi bay Plane Frame Structure with Fixed Support
Author:Egbuhuzor, U.P. Paul, B.

Key words: Finite elements, Multi-bay Axial loads, Deformation Multi-Storey,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 209 - 217

Geotechnical Evaluation of Soil at Okija, Okija Ozubulu Road, Anambra State. Nigeria
Author:Ugochukwu TE, Adeyeri JB, Opaluwa D, Omidiji,K.O.

Key words: Bridge, California bearing ratio,Foundation, Geotechnical, Sandstone
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 92 - 100

Schiff bases of Salicyl diene 2 aminopyridine: Synthesis, Uv Vis study and Antibacterial Activity
Author:Dueke-Eze, C. U., Fasina, T. M.

Key words: 2-aminopyridine, salicylaldehyde, In-vitro, Antibacterial activity,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 85 - 91

Efficacy of Ozone Bubbles in Disinfecting Underground Water in Okeijebu, Ikole Ekiti, Nigeria
Author:Bolorunduro, K.A; Olayanju, K.O; Olayinka, AJ.

Key words: Underground water, Ozone generator, Pathogens, Oye Ekiti,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 65 - 70

A Hybrid Model for Financial Services Social Media Sentiment Analysis Using the Bert CNN Technique
Author:Stow, M.T. and Obasi, E.C.M

Key words: ,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 55 - 64

Bacteria Quality of Smoked Clarias gariepinus Sold at Opolo Market, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State
Author:Douye, V.Z., Awengi, A

Key words: Bacterial species, Clarias gariepinus, Opolo Market, Yenagoa,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 49 - 54

Short term Salt loading on Cardiovascular response to Exercise and Postural Alteration Among Young Adults in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun state HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 41 - 48

Bacteria Community Associated With Apparently Healthy Fourth Year Students of Microbiology Department, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 131 - 134

Investigation of the Biochemical Indices Related to Differential Response of Fasting Blood Glucose to Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats
Author:Martin, O., Blessing, O. O. and Gloria, O. O

Key words: Alloxan, Diabetes, β-cells, Hematological, Reversed diabetes
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Phoenix Dactylifera L (Aracaceae) Dried Fruits Methanol Extract Protects Doxorubicin Induced Cardiotoxicity by Abrogation of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Rats

Key words: ,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1 - 11

An Appraisal of Famine Food Plants in Southeast Nigeria
Author:Eneni, R. I. and Ihimikaiye, O

Key words: Famine, Traditional knowledge, Biodiversity diversity, South East Nigeria,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 200 - 209

Ameliorative Effect of Coconut Water on Paracetamol Induced Liver Damage in Albino Rabbits
Author:Gbodo, E. A. and Gbodo, E.E.

Key words: Coconut water, Paracetamol, Overdose, Bilirubin, Silymarin
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 192 -199

Statistical Analysis of the impact of Tax Revenue on the Economic Growth of Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 110 - 115

Recent Developments in Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Models
Author:George, U. and Nwabueze, J.C.

Key words: Vector Autoregressive, macroeconomic modeling, Structural analysis, Forecasting,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 101 - 109

Construction of Discriminant and Classification Function For the Separation of Two Periwinkle Types (Rough and Smooth) HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 92 - 100

Optimal Sequence Method of Waiting Time Processes
Author:Emenonye, C.E.

Key words: Sequence, Theorems, Optimal Sequence, Interchange,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 87 - 91

Prevalence of Covid 19 Infection among Health Care Workers in a Mental Health Institution in Benin City, Edo State.
Author:Ikpo, P.E., Oseghale, O., Amara, K., Alex, I., Efa

Key words: Healthcare Workers, Prevalence, Real time polymerase chain reaction, COVID-19, Federal Ne
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 82 - 86

Index Properties of Road Construction Soils in Southwestern Nigeria
Author:Faluyi, S.O., Amu, O.O., and 2Adetoro A. E.

Key words: Index properties, Soils classification, Flexible pavement, Southwestern Nigeria,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 70 - 81

Assessment of Factors Associated With Obesity Among Secondary School Children in Owerri Municipal, Imo State, Nigeria.
Author:Opara, A.C., Iwuala, C., Ebirim, C., Nkem, B.Any

Key words: Obesity, Adolescents, Body Mass Index, Secondary School Students,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 64 - 69

Chain of Contamination of Seafood with References to Seasonal Distribution of Microbial Loads and Trace Metals in Fishes from Regional Markets, Niger Delta Nigeria
Author:Ikpesu, T.O. ,Ovili, L

Key words: Heavy metals, Fish, Microbes, Southern Nigeria, Seafood
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 81 - 89

Geophysical Investigation of Foundation Condition of The Vice Chancellor’s Quarter, Ugbowo Main Campus University of Benin, Using Schlumberger Methods.
Author:Ochu, A., Dieokuma, T

Key words: Geo-electric, Topsoil, Lateritic, Resistivity, Foundation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 90 -98

Subsurface Characterization of the Vice Chancellor’s Quarter, Ugbowo Main Campus, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Using Electrical Resistivity (Dipole Dipole) Method
Author:Ochu, A. and Dieokuma, T.

Key words: Traverse, Borehole, Resistivity soundings,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 146 - 151

Congruence Relationship of Monoids in Machines HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 59 - 63

Mudlogging as an Exploration Tool: a Case Study of Ugu 16ST 1
Author:Molua,O. C., Eseka ,K., Ogwu, A. D.

Key words: Measurement, UGU-16ST1, Mud Logging Concepts, Shale Shakers, Log Charts
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 52 - 58

Different Packing Materials and their Effects on The Quality of Fermented African Oil Bean Seeds
Author:Ihemeje, A., Arukwe, D.C., Nwogu, O.G. and Nnamoch

Key words: African oil bean Proximate, Mineral, Vitamin,Shelf-Life, Microbiological Quality
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 31 - 41

Seasonal Variation in the Nodulation and Yield Parameters of Cowpea, (Vigna Unguiculata l. walp)
Author:Ukpene, A.O. and Pass,C.C.

Key words: Biological yield, Cowpea, Economic yield, Nodulation, Rhizobium
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 42 - 47

Petrophysical Analysis of Reservoirs at Etsako Field, Niger Delta Basin Nigeria, Using Open Hole Geophysical Logs
Author:Tokurah, M. and Shuaibu, A.M.

Key words: Hydrocarbon saturation, Petrophysical properties, Reservoirs, Water saturation,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 15- 27

A logical perspective to Soft Set Theory
Author:Onoyima, N. E, Isah, A. I. and Tella,Y

Key words: Soft set, Fuzzy set, Rough set, Soft tautology, Soft contradiction
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 48 - 51

Studies on the microorganisms associated with Palm Oil Polluted Soils
Author:Kolawole, I.O, Oluranti, O.O., Adekunle, A.E

Key words: Bacteria, Chaff, Fungi, Palm oil, polluted soil
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 24 - 30

Development and Performance Evaluation of a Solar Powered Knapsack Sprayer
Author:Ekom. A.H, Suleman M.L, El-Okene A.M.I and Saleh A

Key words: Knapsack sprayer, Photovoltaic panel, Lead battery, Pesticide, Solar panel
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 13 - 23

Phytochemical and proximate composition of petroleum ether, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of leaf, seed, stem and bark of Azadirachta indica
Author:Salau, R. B and Gbajabiamila, A. T

Key words: Azadirchta indica, Solvent Extracts, Phytochemicals, Proximate, Secondary metabolites
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 90 - 94

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Emissions Mitigation in the Context of Geological Carbon Sequestration
Author:Rabiu, K.O., Oyelami, S. and Mogbojuri, A.O

Key words: Global warming, Deep saline aquifer, Oceanic, Storage projects, CO2 sequestration
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 36 -43

Prevalence of Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma in Patient Who Visited University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) (2014 – 2018)
Author:Omorodion, N.T., Aniobi, C.C.,Abdumini, L.M. and A

Key words: Prevalence, Papillary, Follicular Thyroid, Carcinoma, Patient
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 15 - 19

Subacute Effects of Isoniazid (Inh) on The Kidney and Liver of Albino Mice
Author:Omorodion, N.T., Aloh, H. and Achukwu, P.U

Key words: Subacute, Isoniazid, 14 Kidney, Liver, Albino 15 Mice.
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 10-14

Cybersecurity A Tool to Safeguard Digital Economy in a Developing Nation
Author:Etuk, E. A., Etim,E.O. and Ugwoke, F.N.

Key words: Cybersecurity, Safeguard, Digital Economy, Developing Nation ,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 9 - 14

Fingerprint Controlled Examination Screening System For Schools
Author:Etuk, A. Asogwa,S. C. Ugwoke F. N. and Asuzu, I.H

Key words: Fingerprint, Examination, Examination Malpractice, Impersonation, Programming language
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1- 8

Controlling and Predicting of The Radar Cross Section of a Missile Shaped Object
Author:1Iroegbu, C. and Etuk, E. A

Key words: Radar Cross Section, Missile, Frustum, Circular objects,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 185 - 191

Implementation of Channel Coding in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Systems
Author:Etuk, E. A. and Iroegbu, C.

Key words: Channel Coding, Modulation, Schemes Transmission rate,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 177 - 184

Controlling the Design Dynamics of Oil and Gas Pipelines for Effective Fluid Flow Using Domain Specific Modelling
Author: Japheth, B. R.; Osaisai, E. F. ;Orukari, M.

Key words: Potential design, salient Characteristics, pipeline Systems, conceptual linkages, Pipe a
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 169 - 175

Investigation of Groundwater Aquifers in Otuoke and its Environs Using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Technique
Author:Adejumo, P.P; Onyebueke E. O,; Nwori A. N.;Okeke,

Key words: Apparent-resistivity, Schlumberger-array Groundwater, Vertical- Electrical-Sounding, Aqui,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 156 - 168

Estimation of Radio Climatic Variables for the Design of Radio Links in South western Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 87 - 94

Solving First Order Delay Differential Equations Using Block Simpson’s Methods
Author:Chibuisi, C., Osu, B. O. and Ogbogbo, C. P

Key words: Delay differential equations, Block method, Linear multistep method,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 76 - 86

Respiratory Tract Protective Herbs May Serve As Palliatives in the Battle Against COVID 19 Pandemic
Author:Odigie,, E.B., Airiagbonbu, B.O., Airiagbonbu, N.T

Key words: COVID-19 pandemic, Coronavirus disease 2019, SARS-CoV-2, Herbs and Respiratory tract d,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 65-75

Efficient Portfolio Management for a Commercial Bank under CEV Model
Author:Edikan, E.A. and Udeme, O. I

Key words: Efficient portfolio management, Commercial bank, Power transformation,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 58 - 64

Pollution Status of Solid Waste Disposal Site in Owerri municipal, Nigeria
Author:Emeka, Chima Ogoko and Kelle, Henrietta Ijeoma

Key words: Soil Contamination, Pollution Index, Sulphate, Phosphate, Nitrate.
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 50 - 57

The Morphometry, Sex Ratio and Fecundity of Fishes of the Coastal River, Qua Iboe River, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Author:Oribhabor, B. J. and Archibong, A. O

Key words: Morphometry, Fecundity, Sex ratio, Qua Iboe River, Length-weight relationship
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 35 - 49

Mixed Ligand Complexes with Acetaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone: Synthesis, Characterization and Antifungal Activity
Author:Kpomah, B., 2Kpomah, E.D., 1Idu, T.E. and 1Ugbune

Key words: Prostate Specific Antigen, Serum Calcium Levels, Type 2 diabetes, Adult Males, Benin Ci
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 26 - 34

The Effects of the Memory Capacity of a Recurrent Neural Network for Time Series Prediction HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 19 - 25

Superlative Analysis of Mohand, Aboodh and Elzaki Transforms to the solution of a certain Partial Differential Equation with Financial Application
Author: Osu, B. O.,Obike, D. K., Ohams, M O. and Amaraihu

Key words: Aboodh transform, Elzaki transform, Mohand transform, Solution to Financial partial diffe,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 14 - 18

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), Calcium Levels and Risk of Prostatic Diseases among adult Diabetic Males on Treatment in Benin City HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 9 - 13

Comparative Acute Toxicity of Aqueous Extract of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) Leaves and Roots on Fingerlings of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Siluriformes: Clariidae)
Author:Oribhabor, B. J., Johnson, V. A. and Obot, O. I.

Key words: Acute toxicity, Aloe vera, Aqueous extract, Clarias gariepinus, Static bioassay
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1-8

Exponentiated Gumbel Family of Distributions; Properties and Applications
Author:Uwadi U. U., Okereke E. W. and Omekara C. O.

Key words: Exponentiated Gumbel, T-X family, Entropy, Order Statistics, Bivariate Distribution
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 100 - 117

Rhizosphere and Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria of Wetland Plants in Oil Polluted Areas of the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 54 - 62

Assessment of Biological Decomposition of Organic Pollutants with References to Degradation of Petroleum products by Endophytes of Aquatic Plants
Author:Pondei,J.O. and Aladese,M.A.

Key words: Endophytes, petroleum, phytoremediation, aquatic plants, wetlands
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 75 - 81

Evaluation of Annual Effective Dose Equivalent from Environmental Gamma Radiation at Sand Mine Valley in Yenagoa, Nigeria
Author:Anekwe, U.L. and Uzoekwe, S.A.

Key words: Evaluation; Effective Dose Gamma Radiation; Sand Dump,,,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 65 - 74

Climate Change Mitigation Approaches for Nigeria: Actualization of National Climate Policy Commitments
Author:Abidoye, L.K., Rabiu, K.O. and Oriaje, A. T.

Key words: Nigeria, climate change, carbon tax, storage, reservoir.
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 6 - 15

Basalt Reactivity with CO2 and H2O: Implications for Carbon Sequestration
Author:Rabiu, K.O.

Key words: Basalts, storage, dissolution, injection, precipitation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 58 - 64

The Effect of Π Bridging on the Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Solar Cell Photosensitiser
Author:Ogunyemi, B. T., Latona D. F. and Adejoro I. A

Key words: Solar cells, Sensitizers Organic compounds, Optoelectronic Properties,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 26 -33

A Comparison of the Forecasting Models of Rainfall Data of Umudike, Abia State Nigeria
Author:Ekpenyong, E. J. , Okereke E. W and Udeagbara C.

Key words: Accuracy Measurement, Forecasting models, Rainfall, Time series,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 49-57

Improved Exponential Ratio In Regression Class of Estimators of the Population Mean in Simple Random Sampling in the presence of Two Auxiliary Variables HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 34 - 48

Characterization of Oil Extracted from Agricultural Wastes: Sweet Orange Seeds (Citrus sinesis) from Ogbia in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.
Author: Hamilton-Amachree,A. and Osioma,E.

Key words: Oorange seeds, Soxhlet extraction, Orange seed oil, Physicochemical properties ,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1 - 5

Mixed ligand cobalt complexes of lincomycin with diimine ligands: Synthesis, spectroscopic and biological investigation
Author:Abosede, O.O. and Obaleye, J.A.

Key words: antimicrobial, cobalt, diimine, lincomycin, spectroscopy
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 16 - 20

A Preliminary Petrographic Investigation of Gboko Formation Limestone around Ukogh middle Benue Trough HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 21 - 25

Use of palynofossils in sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Oku 1 well sediments, Niger Delta, Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 45 - 53

Baseline Levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in Niger Delta Communities of Bayelsa State
Author:Uzoekwe, S.A.,Hamilton-Amachree, A.

Key words: Air Quality, Baseline, Passive, Nitrogen dioxide, Emission
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 99 - 109

Petrophysical Analysis of Reservoirs at Etsako Field, Niger Delta Basin Nigeria, Using Open Hole Geophysical Logs HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 86 - 98

Proximate, Vitamins and Elemental Analysis of seeds of Telfairia occidentalis and Anacardium occidentale Nuts
Author:Aletan, U., Okey, N. E.

Key words: Proximate, vitamins, mineral composition, fluted pumpkin, cashew seeds
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 86 - 94

Correlation between concentrations of heavy metal ions in snail and prawn from Fresh water swamps Otuoke Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Author:Ukpe, R.A.,Ogoko, E. C.

Key words: Heavy metal, Pollution, Snail, Prawn, Correlation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 81 - 85

Investigation of Potassium bromate and Anti Nutrient Contents of Flour and Bread in Ikot Ekpene Metropolis
Author:Aletan, U. ,Okon, J.J.O.

Key words: Bread, Flour, Potassium bromate, Anti-nutrients, Correlation
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 77-80

Immunomodulatory Activities of Piper guineense Leaves in Wistar Rats HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 72 - 76

Effect of Germination Time, During Malting, on Sugar content of Some Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor {L} Moench) Types HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 53-59

Geophysical and Geotechnical Examination of Structural Failure in Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 42 - 52

Studies on Fertility Indicators of Forest Soil under Different Tree Canopy Shades in a Tropical Low Land Rain Forest of Otuoke Bayelsa State, Nigeria HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 36-41

Evaluation of growth indices of Telfairia occidentalis Hook and physiological properties of soil containing crude oil and Mucuna pruriens manure treatment HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 31-35

In Situ Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil Using Two Organic Waste Materials HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 23 - 30

Prevalence of Malaria Infection among Students Attending Federal University Otuoke Health Centre, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Author:Ezenwaka, C. O. and Ivoh, C. J

Key words: Malaria, Prevalence; Students, infection, Otuoke, Bayelsa.
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 17- 22

Determination of Annual Gonnodal Dose Equivalent Arising from Natural Radioactivity in Soil of Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria
Author:Eseka, K., Molua, O.C. and Upkene, O.A.

Key words: Radiometric, Soil Recommendation Standard, Gonnodal Dose, Health,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 11 - 16

The Exact Region for the Successful Application of Square Root Transformation in Time Series Decomposition using the Multiplicative Model
Author:Ohakwe, J., Iwueze I. S., Otuonye, E. L

Key words: Data transformation, Multiplicative time series model, Left- truncated - Normal distribu,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 0 -11

Physico Chemical Properties and Bacteria Qualities of hand dug wells in Ebukuma, Rivers State Nigeria
Author:Aladese,M. A. and Ariyo, A.B.

Key words: Bacterial qualities, Groundwater, Ebukuma,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 59-72

Sub acute toxicity studies of Phyllanthus amarus on haematological parameters and some plasma enzymes activities in mice
Author:Kpomah, E.D., Ogbogbo, J., Kpomah, B.

Key words: Haematology,mice, Phyllanthus amarus,plasma enzyme, toxicity.
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 53-58

Effect of metronidazole and amoxicillin on Bacteroides species isolated from surgical wounds of patients attending Christiana specialist hospital Owerri and Braithwaite memorial specialist hospital Po
Author:Anyiam, I. V. , Ibeawuchi-Onuoha, C.

Key words: Antibiotics, Patients, Surgical wounds, Antibiotics, metronidazole
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 47-52

Comparison of the Different Hierarchical Clustering Techniques for the Classification of Soils under Oil Palm in Nigeria
Author:Edokpayi, A. A., Agho, C. A. Adeh, S. A.,Okpamen,

Key words: Cluster Analysis, Hierarchical clustering methods, Soil data, Oil palm belt,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 37-46

Bacteriological Water Qualities of Four Rivers in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Author:Ezenwaka C. O.and Opara C. N.

Key words: Rivers, Ogbia, Bacteriological parameters, Escherichia coli,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 31-36

Effects of Postharvest Dips and Storage Conditions on Quality and Storage life of Tomato Fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum MILL) in Kura, Kano State, Nigeria
Author:Dandago; M. A., Gungula, D. T. and Igwe, E. C.

Key words: Dips, Kura, Postharvest, Storage and Lycopersicon esculentum,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 17-30

Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Urinary Schistosomiasis among School aged Children in Abua/Odual Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria
Author:Ezenwaka, Chinonye O. and Nzeako, Sidney O.

Key words: Urinary schistosomiasis, Knowledge, Attitude, Perception, School-aged Children
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 8-16

Effect of death rate in determining the optimal investment strategies for defined contribution (DC) pension fund with multiple contributors
Author:Edikan, E. Akpanibah and Bright, O. Osu

Key words: Death rate, Defined contribution, Optimal investment strategy, Legendre transform,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1-7

Geophysical Investigation of the Near Surface Structure and Determination of Subsurface Lithology, Using High Resolution Seismic Method in Otuoke and Its Environs
Author:Chiemeke C. C., Ibe S. O. and Onyedim G.

Key words: Near Surface Structure, Subsurface Lithology, High Resolution seismic, Otuoke,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 6 - 14

The association between leaf nutrients of Raphia palm (Raphia spp.) and soil properties in Southern Nigeria using canonical correlation analyses
Author:Edokpayi A. A., Agho C. A., Osayande P. E. ,Okpame

Key words: Raphia palm, simple correlation, canonical correlation, leaf nutrients, soil properties
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 55-61

A Study of the Electronic Band Structure of Cu4SnS4
Author:Omehe N. N., Iyayi S. E., Nwachuku D. N.

Key words: Cu4SnS4 film, band structure of Cu4SnS4, CTS,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 50-54

Assessment of Ocimum gratissimum leaves on Hematological parameters and Cell mediated immunity of Rabbits HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 46-49

Free Oxide Status and Distribution in Soils of some Economic Palms in selected areas of Delta State, Nigeria
Author:Orhue E. R., Oneju A. A., Osayande P. E.,Awanlemhe

Key words: economic palms, Delta state, free oxides, oil palm, Raphia palms
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 39-45

Soil Profile Distribution of Heavy Metals in Automobile Workshops in Sapele, Nigeria
Author:automobile workshops, contamination, heavy metals,

Key words: automobile workshops, contamination, heavy metals, pollution, soil profile
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 30 -38

Proximate composition and effect of storage condition on Ascorbic acid content of Baobab fruits (Adonsonia digitate L.) pulp from Wudil, Kano State Nigeria
Author:1*Dandago M. A., 1Muktar M. A., 2Igwe E. C. and 3N

Key words: Baobab, ascorbic acid, storage, fruit, pulp
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 26 - 29

Combinations of selected diet derived agents show enhanced growth inhibition of LNCaP cell lines
Author:Ibeawuchi-Onuoha C.

Key words: curcumin, DIM, EGCG, LNCaP chemoprevention,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 20 -25

In Vitro Morphogenetic Response of Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaf Petiole Explant to Cytokinin and Auxin Concentrations
Author:Shittu H. O., Igiehon E.

Key words: callus, growth regulators, in vitro, leaf petiole, Moringa oleifera
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 15-19

Status and Distribution of Available Micro nutrients in Soils of NIFOR Main Station
Author:Osayande P. E., Omoruyi E., Ovie S., Aondona O.,Og

Key words: Critical levels, Micronutrients, NIFOR, Physico-chemical properties,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1-5

Fungi associated with some polluted water bodies in Delta State, Nigeria
Author:Edema N. E.,Esiegbuya D. O., Akpan N. N.,Abia E. G

Key words: Bioremediation, Fungi, physical characteristics, Polyhydrocarbon, Water bodies
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 49-52

Detail Assessment of Natural Drainage Flow Pattern in Federal University Otuoke and its Environs using Digitized Topographic Information
Author:Chiemeke Collins C.

Key words: Bayelsa, Drainage, Elevation, flooding, Topography
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 43-48

Prevalence of Potentially Pathogenic Vibrio species in Sea foods obtained from Markets in Lagos
Author:Aladese M.A., Pondei J.O.,Enabulele O.I.

Key words: Sea-foods, Vibrio species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus,,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 39-42

Evaluation of Production Techniques and Quality Assessment of Kilishi in some parts of Kano, Kano state, Nigeria
Author:Igwe Ernest C.,Abdullahi Nura,Abusalam Nafisat,Dan

Key words: Kano State, Kilishi, Kilishi processing, Meat, Sensory quality
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 35-38

Blood Coagulation profile of pregnant women attending Ante Natal Clinic at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital
Author:Okungbowa Michael A.,Nguepi P. J., and 2Onyeka O.

Key words: Benin city, Blood, Coagulation parameters, Pregnancy, Trimester
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 31-34

Preservation of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) leaf tissues for DNA Extraction
Author:Odenore V. D., Aisagbonhi E. P., Eke C. R., Shittu

Key words: Preservation, Elaeis guineensis, DNA extraction, Spectrophotometric analysis, Gel electrop
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 27-30

Morphological alterations due to Spent Carbide Waste Pollution of Sphenostylis stenocarpa and Vigna unguiculata growth and development. HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 23-26

Urinary candidal and bacterial infections among asymptomatic students of Niger Delta University living in Amassoma, Bayelsa State.
Author:Afagha Azibayam,Okungbowa Michael Awo,Okungbowa Fr

Key words: Infection, Nigeria, Students, Urine,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 11-14

Physiological parameters of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in Diesel Oil Polluted Soil and Amelioration Treatment
Author:Etukudo Mbosowo M.,Roberts Eneni M.I.,Okereke Ifeo

Key words: Amelioration, Diesel Oil, Phaseolus vulgaris, physiological, Polluted soil
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 19-22

In Vitro Morphogenetic Responses of Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii (Stapf) Diels Seed Explant
Author:Isikhuemen O. Y., Nwaoguala C. N. C., Odewale J.

Key words: Auxin, Callogenesis, Cytokinin, Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii , Rhizogenesis
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 1-6

Synthesis and Dyeing properties of Phenyl Azo Moieties of 1,2 dihydroxyanthraquinone
Author:Hamilton-Amachree Akens , Adiukwu Patricia U.

Key words: Azo dyes, Anthraquinone, Dye quality, Exhaustion and Fixation,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 7-10

Antimicrobial resistance pattern of Enterococcus spp. isolated from Cockroaches from Ekiti State Teaching Hospital
Author:Ariyo A.B, Aladese M.A. and Ikpesu T.O.

Key words: Antibiotics,Cockroaches,Enterococcus,Hospital,
HTML | FULL TEXT in - | page 15-18

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