ISSN : 2488-8648

International Journal of Basic Science and Technology

A publication of the Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State

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Archive | ISSUE: , Volume: Oct-Dec-2023

Overview of Biosafety and Biosecurity

Author:Ikpo, P.E.., Okun,O.

published date:2023-Oct-03

FULL TEXT in - | page 162 - 166


Globalization and the increasing ease of travel as well as the world’s population explosion have led to the rise of biological threats. Emergent and re-emergent infectious diseases caused by biological agents such as Ebola, cholera and diphtheria are current biological threats to public health and safety. The pandemic declared in March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO) is evidence of the continued threat of infectious agents. Biosafety and Biosecurity refer not only to the protection of human beings and their surrounding environment against hazardous biological agents but also to the global disarmament of weapons of mass destruction. Biosafety provides policies and practices to prevent the unintentional release of specific biological agents and toxins whereas Biosecurity seeks to prevent the intentional release of biological materials or the acquisition of knowledge, tools or techniques that could be used to cause harm. The knowledge and practice of biosafety and biosecurity reduce the risk of exposure to potentially infectious microbes. This review aims to improve the understanding of the concept of biosafety and biosecurity to reinforce the need to contain biological threats. Biosafety and Biosecurity is of global concern and require multilevel resources and international collaboration

Keywords: Biosafety, Biosecurity, Intentional Unintentional, Biological,


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FULL TEXT in - | page 162 - 166

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