ISSN : 2488-8648

International Journal of Basic Science and Technology

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Archive | ISSUE: , Volume: Oct-Dec-2022

Investigation of the properties of Zinc Tin Arsenide (ZnSnAs2) and Zinc Tin Antimonide (ZnSnSb2): A density functional approach

Author:Omehe Nnamdi

published date:2023-Oct-11

FULL TEXT in - | page 313 -320


Zinc Tin arsenide (ZnSnAs2) and Zinc Tin antimonide ((ZnSnSb2) have been investigated within the density functional framework. The structure optimization, band structure, and total and partial density of states were computed using the pseudopotential method with projector augmented wave (PAW). The PAWs were used in conjunction with the LDA+U scheme. The values obtained from the structure optimization showed excellent agreement with experimental data in the literature. The band structure calculations predicted that the materials are semiconductors with direct band gap values of 0.83 eV and 0.43 eV for ZnSnAs2 and ZnSnSb2, respectively. The Partial density of state shows that the As-4p states are dominant in the valence and conduction band in the ZnSnAs2, while for ZnSnSb2, the conduction band is mostly Sn-5s state

Keywords: Chalcopyrites, Solar cell, Electronic band structure, Optoelectronics, Thermoelectricity


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FULL TEXT in - | page 313 -320

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