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×published date:2024-Apr-30
FULL TEXT in - | page 137 - 142
The groundwater quality around selected dumpsites in the Okpe Local Government Area, Delta State Nigeria was investigated. The hydrochemical parameters were analyzed using appropriate instruments and procedures. The findings revealed that; the temperature of groundwater was below the permissible level of potable water. The pH of some of the groundwater samples was alkaline while the level of electrical conductivity and chloride ions is below the allowable limit of drinkable water, suggesting no contamination by EC and chloride ions. The level of nitrate and phosphate is above the acceptable limit of drinkable water standard except location 2 well for nitrate (1.4 mg/l). Sulphate ion is within the level of drinkable water in all the sample wells. The concentration of calcium and magnesium in all the wells samples is below the recommended limit of water standard, this indicates no pollution by calcium and magnesium, and the concentration of zinc is fairly low. The concentration of iron is above the potable water standard, and this could be attributed to natural sources because the control sample is within the same range as the other samples. This study has shown that groundwater from all the wells is fairly contaminated. Therefore, remediation of temperature, pH, alkalinity, nitrate, phosphate, and iron nitrate is needed for groundwater in this location this is to safeguard public health and protection of water resources.
Keywords: Groundwater Quality Dumpsites, Okpe LGA hydrochemical parameters,,,
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FULL TEXT in - | page 137 - 142
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