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×published date:2023-Jun-11
FULL TEXT in - | page 92 - 100
This paper focused on the geotechnical investigation of a proposed bridge site at Okija along Ozubulu - Okija Road, Anambra State. Both field and laboratory investigations were carried out to evaluate the properties of soils at the abutment and pier locations of the proposed bridge. The strata formations were obtained by test borings at five locations to depths of 0.6 – 8.1m. Laboratory index and strength tests were carried out on the undisturbed and disturbed samples obtained from the boreholes. The plastic index of the soils varied from 3.71-18.17, Maximum Dry Density of 1.40 to 2.11G/cm3 with Optimum Moisture Content of 8.70 - 14.70%, with Bulk Density from 13.74 - 20.70kN/m3, California bearing ratio; 7.1 to 13.3%, Unconfined compression test; 116.5-1303.0 kN/m2 and Direct Shear Test from 13 – 30 kN/m2. According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official classification, all the soils between the solid rock and the topsoil fell into A – 2 – 4 and A – 2 – 5 subgroups, which meant that the soils were good and excellent as the base and sub-base materials which showed that the soil is a good material for bridge construction
Keywords: Bridge, California bearing ratio,Foundation, Geotechnical, Sandstone
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FULL TEXT in - | page 92 - 100
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